Socrates was one of the most influential philosophers of all time

Socrates was one of the most influential philosophers of all time

Socrates, an Athenian Greek of the second half of the fifth-century bc, wrote no philosophical works but was uniquely influential in the later history of philosophy. His philosophical interests were restricted to ethics and the conduct of life, topics which thereafter became central to philosophy.

Socrates, an Athenian Greek

In life, he was very influential in the lives of Plato, Xenophon, Euclid the Geometer, and the founders of several later schools of philosophy. Socrates has been admired by many throughout the ages for his willingness to explore an argument wherever it would lead as well as having the moral courage to follow his beliefs despite the consequences.


Here are 24 Socrates quotes that will make you question life

  • The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

  • The unexamined life is not worth living.

  • There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.

  • I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.

  • Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

  • Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.

  • By all means, marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.

  • He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.

  • If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of charge. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is the law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.

  • Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

  • Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.

  • To find yourself, think for yourself.

  • Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.

  • Know thyself.

  • Let him who would move the world first move himself.

  • The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.

  • The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

  • I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.

  • Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is transitory, the other perpetual.

  • Understanding a question is half an answer.

  • True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.

  • He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.

  • To be is to do.

  • The mind is everything; what you think you become.

Athens Art

His philosophy and personality were made known to later generations through the dialogues that several of his associates wrote with him as the principal speaker.

Athens Arts

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Rashidul Haque - Free Bird Guidance

Rashidul Haque

Rashidul Haque is heading his own organisation -Free Bird Guidance. It specialises in counselling, career guidance, coaching, mentoring, training for students & individuals. He is a successful Behavioral & Personality Transformational Coach, Career & Educational Counselor, Personality Development Trainer, Writer - Blogger & Motivating thousand of students.

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