Blended Learning: New Model of Learning

Free Bird Guidance - Blended Learning: New Model of Learning

Blended Learning

In our country due to the large population, the formal school's system is not able to provide equal educational opportunities to all, so blended learning will be a good option as it will make the area of educational opportunities wider and education will be able to reach to more children.

The educational system at present is in a transition stage. To meet the challenges of expansion and for catering individuals need it is trying to adopt new technologies and exploring new paths to reach the goal of quality educational opportunities for all.

Free Bird Guidance - What is Blended Learning

What is Blended Learning

Today, the term ‘blended learning’ has evolved to mean the integration of classroom learning with online or e-learning. Blended courses (also known as hybrid or mixed-mode courses) are classes where a portion of the traditional face-to-face instruction is replaced by web-based online learning.

Blended learning is an innovative concept that embraces the advantages of both traditional teaching in the classroom and ICT supported learning including both offline learning and online learning. 

Face-to-face presentations, visual material, paper-based assessments, online research and group activities have been used for classroom teaching for many decades. More recently mobile technologies have expanded opportunities for learning. Blended learning is really no more than a combination of all of these approaches. 

A growing number of schools are piloting or implementing blended learning programs nowadays. However, many teachers are still unfamiliar with the different aspects of this blended learning model of studies. 

Why Blended Learning Approach is adopting

Why Blended Learning Approach is adopting

Free Bird Guidance-Blended Learning

The traditional approach has its own benefits but it is not free from deficiencies. It has the following shortcomings: 

  • The traditional model of teaching is failing to meet the individual needs of all the students in the class basically due to improper pupil teacher ratio.

  • It is not adapting itself to meet the challenge of teaching physically challenges students.

  • Teachers are not trained for the integrated classroom. 

  • The traditional model of teaching is not fit to meet the challenges put forward by the irregular students as attendance are must and evaluation the system depends on the annual examination. If students fail to take the examination his whole year is a waste, due to rigidity, the irregular students are in a way excluded from the mainstream of the school system.

  • School is not able to reach every child and so education for all is still a far-sighted goal.

  • Children from deprived groups, from the areas that are geographically isolated and medically unfit students are not able to gain benefit from this formal traditional mode of teaching.

  • The traditional model of teaching, students have to suffer due to dearth of teachers, their learning has many ambiguities due to inefficient teachers.

  • In the traditional model of teaching the course is not regularly revised, books are not updated and teachers are not interested in upgrading their knowledge and professional skills, the result is that our students are not well prepared to meet the demands of the modern market and professions.

Blended Learning - New model of Learning

To make their knowledge correlate with the present technological advancement and globalization, to minimize the teaching errors, to improve the quality, to increase students exposure ICT supported the teaching-learning process is a good option.

Advantages of blended learning

Free Bird Guidance- Blended learning is more effective than purely face-to-face

Blended learning is more effective than purely face-to-face or purely online classes.

Blended learning courses are dynamic by their very nature

Blended learning courses are dynamic by their very nature.

Blended learning can increase access

Blended learning can increase access and flexibility for learners, increase level of active learning, and achieve better student experiences and outcomes.

Learning is done through ICT

As part of learning is done through ICT, online or offline mode so teachers and students get more time in the classroom for creative and cooperative exercise.

Blended learning methods can also result in high levels of student achievement

Blended learning methods can also result in high levels of student achievement more effective than face-to-face learning.

Blended learning provides more scope for communication

It provides more scope for communication. The communication cycle is completed in blended learning which is not possible if we follow only traditional approach.

Blended Learning make students become more techno-savvy

Students become more techno-savvy and they gain enhanced digital fluency.

Blended learning is a combination of digital instruction and one on one face time

By using a combination of digital instruction and one-on-one face time, students can work on their own with new concepts which free teachers up to circulate and support individual students who may need individualized attention.

Blended learning update the course content

It updates the course content and so gives a new life to an established course.

Blended Learning also has the potential to reduce educational expenses

Blended Learning also has the potential to reduce educational expenses, and lower costs by putting classrooms in the online space and it essentially replaces pricey textbooks with electronic devices.

Blended learning emphasizes bringing together online and face-to-face classroom components

The model of blended learning emphasizes bringing together online and face-to-face classroom components. In addition, a blended delivery system allows students to learn and access material in a variety of modes which is an important feature since students often have very different learning styles. 

Blended learning increases students’ chances of meeting course outcomes

In fact, research indicates that blended learning increases students’ chances of meeting course outcomes compared with fully online and even fully face-to-face courses, by decreasing dropout rates, increasing test scores and increasing motivation on the part of students. 

Blended Learning allows for personalized education

Blended Learning allows for personalized education, replacing the model where a teacher stands in front of the classroom and everyone is expected to stay at the same pace. It allows students to work at their own pace, making sure they fully understand new concepts before moving on.

Blended learning naturally requires learners to demonstrate more autonomy

A classroom environment that incorporates Blended learning naturally requires learners to demonstrate more autonomy, self-regulation, and independence in order to succeed. 

Blended courses can be a method to infuse new engagement opportunities

For faculty, blended courses can be a method to infuse new engagement opportunities into established courses or, for some, provide a transitional opportunity between fully face-to-face and fully online instruction

To conclude it can be said that blended learning is to some extent is the solution to problems prevailing in our educational system. If implemented in a well-planned, organised way with the right type of attitudes it can become the future of our educational system. It is in our own benefit that steps for adapting blended learning are soon initiated.

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About Me

Rashidul Haque - Free Bird Guidance

Rashidul Haque

Rashidul Haque is heading his own organisation -Free Bird Guidance. It specialises in counselling, career guidance, coaching, mentoring, training for students & individuals. He is a successful Behavioral & Personality Transformational Coach, Career & Educational Counselor, Personality Development Trainer, Writer - Blogger & Motivating thousand of students.

He is aiding students in building future educational or career paths & help students to evaluate their abilities and interests, overcome challenges and obstacles, and develop necessary skills. He helps students to craft a long-term plan for reaching their career objectives. Conduct group workshops on a variety of topics, including writing resumes and cover letters, successful job interviewing and various career development programs.

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