Meaning of Education and its purpose in Human Life

Meaning of Education and its purpose in Human Life

The very meaning of education is imparting knowledge. But with my years of experience, I must say to say that only imparting knowledge is not enough in today’s world as for motto of any school is concerned. Here I would like to state on the words of Dalai Lama "When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts".

Education must nurture the boundless curiosity that all children are born with - their amazing ability to be effortlessly creative and adaptive, their natural thirst and ability to learn, to make sense of the world around. It is to aid the understanding and development of values, the responsibility of being human and the need to keep learning, evolving and making a difference.

The purpose of right education is to nurture you and help you to find your true strengths, develop them and use it for the betterment of society and to make a means of living for yourself.


The Term "Education"

The word ‘education’ has been derived from Latin words-’Educare’ and ‘Educatum’, ‘e’+ ‘duco’.

‘Educare’- The term ‘educare’ means to bring up, to rise, and to nourish, to train or mould.

‘Educatum’- Education is something which is imposed from outside.

‘E+ duco’- The term ‘E’ means out of and ‘duco’ means ‘to lead’.

From the above derivative meaning, it is revealed that education is needed for a progressive society and targeted to bring overall prosperity to the individual by unfolding his potentialities.

According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, education in the broadest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on mind, character or physical ability of an individual.

It is indeed, difficult to define education. Education is a relentless process of becoming. To the human being, we educate and to the animal we train.

Purpose of "Education" is to build a good character

  • A person with a good character would realize that he has a responsibility towards the society hence he would be a good citizen of the country.

  • A person with a good character would realize that he or she has to take care of his family and maintaining the peace and harmony the whole world and thus he or she would work towards making the world a better place.

  • A person with a good character would develop a keen interest in improving his/her own self, his/her life, the lives of everybody around him.

  • A person with a good character would respect everyone and would uphold the truth.

  • A person with a good character will speak only the truth and would not support falsehood, corruption or such practices.

  • A person with a good character would follow virtuous principles to be it of religion or ethics.

  • A person with a good character would create an atmosphere of mutual respect, love, care and nurture even to the animals and the environment.

  • A person with a good character would consider himself to be part of a huge family, he would be selfless in serving others.

  • A person with a good character would support non-violence and self-defence.

  • A person with a good character would be interested in intellectual pursuits for improving his knowledge as well as he would inform and guide others.

Dr. Radhakrishnan has rightly said that: “A civilization is not built of bricks, steel and machinery, it is built with men, their quality and character”.

Aim of "Education"

Education gives us the ability to differentiate between what is right and wrong, what is immoral and moral & what is just and unjust.

Education gives a person hope to solve the problems humanity faces today.

Education gives you the power to question anything wrong.

Education helps you learn the right way to execute yourself and behave positively.

Education helps you find the truth and it forces you to think in different aspects.

Proper education removes ill beliefs.

Education makes you more aware and confident.

Definition of "Education" by different educationist

Rabindranath Tagore

"Rabindranath Tagore" was a Bengali polymath who reshaped Bengali literature, as well as Indian art with Contextual Modernism. He once said, “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.”

Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi

"Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi" once said: "Education means all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind, and spirit." As such, education becomes the basis of personality development in all dimensions-moral, mental, and emotional.

Munshi Premchand

"Munshi Premchand" was a famous Indian writer. He was also among the most praised author of 20th Century. He once said, "To be successful in life what you need is education, not literacy and degrees."

"Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam" once said, "Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and increases his or her self respect."


"Chanakya," once said an "Uneducated man no matter how good he may look or to what family he may belong; he is as useless as the flower that has colour but no fragrance".

Swami Vivekananda

"Swami Vivekananda," once said "Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man."

Savitribai Phule

"Savitribai Phule" once said "The lack of learning is nothing but gross bestiality. It is through the acquisition of knowledge that (he) loses his lower status and achieves the higher one."

About Writer

Rashidul Haque -Successful Behavioral and Personality Transformational Coach

Rashidul Haque

Rashidul Haque is heading his own organisation -Free Bird Guidance. It specialises in counselling, career guidance, coaching, mentoring, training for students & individuals. He is a successful Behavioral & Personality Transformational Coach, Career & Educational Counselor, Personality Development Trainer, Writer - Blogger & Motivating thousand of students.

He is aiding students in building future educational or career paths & help students to evaluate their abilities and interests, overcome challenges and obstacles, and develop necessary skills. He helps students to craft a long-term plan for reaching their career objectives. Conduct group workshops on a variety of topics, including writing resumes and cover letters, successful job interviewing and various career development programs.

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